Still Life with Newspaper, by J.R.McRae 07

I absorb the world through your reading of it

page by close writ page of fact and someone’s opinion of it

[does that make it fiction].

Sometimes they colour it in called ‘photo journalism’

And the best of it IS worth 1,000 words…


You are so still while you absorb

as if a movement would disturb the universe

or some essential atom at the bottom of it.


I am trying to colour in my small part of existence

With colours and lines and camera stills

Like this still life –

I’ve captured you

And what if the facts seep off the page in the recycle bin!

I have coloured you in

And you remain the sum of all that you’ve absorbed

And will tell me over tea

So that I can see beyond your glasses rim the turn of earth

And events that will not feature in my dreams.


But you have informed me

And I do not need

The newsman’s version of the world.

–…–…      –…–…     –…–…

[MY COMMENT: My life is so busy, generally,

my husband filters the news to me

whilst I’m in the kitchen preparing the tea. JRP]

One Response to “Still Life with Newspaper, by J.R.McRae 07”

  1. Topics – media, opinions, journalism, current affairs, commentaries, family relationships, time frames, man and the universe, marriage, role play, gender and role playing

    Description: The poem wryly comments on the business of life that allows us to content ourselves with other people’s views of the world rather than reading up, getting ‘informed’ and voicing our own opinion! How ready are we to swallow what the print and TV media deluge us with daily? How often do we scrutinise it -examining it to determine if there be any grains of truth in it and even if there are – are they worth the time spent!

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